Whenever you can, choose to love yourself.
All too often our attention is outside of ourselves on our world, our problems, and our sensory input. While we need to place attention outside of ourselves and exist in the world in a way that makes sense for day to day living, we can also retreat into the comfort of our own minds and hearts to find peace, love, and acceptance.
Healing starts from within. By loving ourselves, we open ourselves up to receive greater love and acceptance from those around us and the world in general.
In this meditation, we will bring into our mind our ideal self. This ideal self has nothing to do with looks, possessions or worldly goods, but more to do with feelings. This ideal self is the ideal emotional state you picture for yourself, how you want to feel, and who you want to be emotionally. It is helpful to think of this version of yourself as you at a future time. This ideal self will then be used to hold space for your current self, and to love your current self.
Use this meditation anytime you need to be held, to be heard, and to be felt, and allow your own being to provide that space for you.
Use this meditation when you feel uncomfortable within your own skin, when you don’t know who you are, when you need a little extra love.
And lastly, use this meditation during those times where you can’t seem to find the love that you have for yourself currently.
Melinda Cruzen RN