Happy New Year!
As we celebrate 2021 and reflect on 2020, it is easy to get caught up in negativity without meaning to. When we make too many goals for ourselves too quickly, we can often loose sight of how great we already are. Though self improvement and goals are very beneficial, we invite you to take a moment and pause, reflecting on how great you and your life already are.
It is easy, (especially this year), to look back at the past year with eyes that focus on the negativity that we want to release, and while we can certainly release what is no longer serving us, pause and remember what has brought you joy this past year.
A conversation with a loved one.
A peaceful walk alone in the woods.
A cup of coffee enjoyed with intention.
A pet or a child snuggling close to you.
If you look for it, you will find joy, no matter the circumstances. This is often the difference between those experiencing happiness and those searching for it. When you start to find happiness all around you, you see it more readily.
You may have to look harder at first.
You may find your brain yelling at you, telling you what right do you have to be happy, telling you that you are not a happy person. Ask your brain and your mind to be kinder to yourself. Treat yourself with compassion and respect. Allow the love you have for others, to also be directed towards yourself.
Written for you with the intention of helping you create the love you need and deserve.